Stock Tank Secret
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Keeps Stock Tanks Clean!


Stock Tank Secret was designed for use in livestock water tanks. It is safe to use for all breeds of horses, cattle, goats, swine, poultry and even exotic livestock. However, Stock Tank Secret has also been used successfully and safely in other applications:

Automatic waterers - just tie it in place with a piece of baling twine to prevent removal by playful livestock

Bird baths - place it under a decorative stone to keep it in place

Ornamental ponds - Stock Tank Secret is completely safe for fish and aquatic plants

Fountains - during summer months Stock Tank Secret keeps fountains clean

Tips from our Customers:

“If you have a clever horse or steer that likes to fish the bag of Stock Tank Secret out of the tank, use a piece of baling twine and tie Stock Tank Secret to a rock or brick so it stays at the bottom of the tank.”

Note: We have also heard of adventurous dogs fishing for Stock Tank Secret!

“My tank was really scuzzy and I found that starting with two bags at first did the trick. Now I just drop in a new bag when I see the tank getting green around the sides.”

“I put in a fresh bag of Stock Tank Secret every time I deworm my horses, since I worm every 60 days. That way I know when it’s time for a fresh bag.”